In our hometown Curitiba, goma is a niche and seldom used slang for home. Home, that’s one of the main reasons why we chose this name, we want to harness that feeling of being welcome, comfortable, at home.

It also means gum, glue. 
It’s that adhesive thought of togetherness.

It it easy to pronounce. 
There are some hypotheses that MA is a primordial phoneme in human language, and possibly the very first one, hence so many words that mean mother, start with it. Mother, Madre, Mère, Mama, Mutter, Matka, Mãe, and so on. So it is for the phoneme GO, a more guttural sound which is present in many languages, no matter their origin.

If we go by Simon Sinek, I should also tell you Why

Look around. There is a chance you are reading this at the office, on the train, at a cafe, or in a hotel room. And there is a chance all the art on the walls is dull, expected and obvious, in my book that’s called boring. 

So we decided to give it a go, to produce high-quality images that are the opposite of boring. Images that evoke a feeling. Images that are surreal, abstract, irregular, lysergic; images that have imperfections, like all of us. Images that your brain is able to codify in a split of a second, yet, at the same time, you see something odd, something unnatural, some extraordinary about it.

Now let me tell you How

All of our images start with a thought, a feeling, a sensation, an action; this is then translated into a haiku inspired poem, which is the bedrock of our creative process. 

With that in mind, we use digital image synths, AI generation, traditional digital illustration, and put all in the blender. We then curate, refine, curate, refine until we find the ones we love. These images are then colour graded and become the cornerstone of the production process.

With the help of our partners, these images are then transformed into museum quality prints, tapestry, embroidery, murals, and so.

We hope the next time you look at the walls in your local cafe, or that Airbnb in Portugal, in your own home, you will be looking at something that will move you, start a conversation, bring people together. That’s the idea, that’s why we want people to have an original GOMA hanging on the wall.